Friday, February 4, 2011

A Little Tummy Time!

Jackson is loving tummy time. He is getting very strong he now rolls from front to back and back to front. He rolls all around on the floor. When on his tummy he tries to get up on his knees. I feel as though he might crawl sooner than Connor did. He doesn't like to be in one place for long.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute and makes the funniest faces. Those eyes are so expressive and bright.

Aunt Rita said...

LOVE the face he is making in the second from the bottom picture!
In the last picture his smile reminds me of both of those boys are long/tall!
And,really, why are we surprised by that?? I don't know, but I will continue to be !

Love Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Spot on, Rita! My thoughts exactly. I give those cheeks a virtual smooooooosh :)
Love, Aunt Kathy