Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Child Labor?!

Connor is very afraid of the vaccuum. Everytime I get ready to vaccuum he gets on the couch and watches me the entire time. This weekend I was able to get him to push the vaccuum. I tried to help him but he insisted on doing it all by himself.


Aunt Rita said... there ever a "chick flick/show" on that TV???

I think Connor finally realized this is a BIG motorized toy....keep up the good work!!!

Unknown said...

HA..."chick flick/show" what's that?! On TV it's sports all the time. You know it is bad when he requests to watch basketball rather than a cartoon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a good helper!! He looks very intent in that second pic.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

It is great seeing him conquer his fears...and help with the housework cause that just doesn't happen with any of the Owens men! Ha ha.
Gran (Owens)

Andrea said...

Olivia loves to vacuum! She and Connor can clean your house when we visit...she will be happy to tell him what to clean.

Aunt Rita said...

Hey girls...Grandma told me she too used to be affraid of the vacuum too!

Anonymous said...

Conner is such a helpful young man!When his Gran brought him by the office for a visit Wednesday morning before school, he was helping me with my work! He took the packages from the packing desk over to the shipping desk. He then took the shipping report and straightened the packages before he walked away. He was even negotiating with me on the number of sticky notes he could play with - what a smart little guy!
Love, (Aunt?) Susan