Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good Luck Sabres

Last night luck was not on the Sabres side, tonight we wish for a winning game. Brrrrr, it is cold here today...we are loving it. Connor is now becoming more and more alert. He is cooing up a storm. He loves it when I sing to him, as he sings along too. He is now laughing and when he laughs really hard sometimes he snorts. He is so funny and he doesn't even know it. Connor is so much fun as he progesses to different stages.

1 comment:

Ball family updates said...

Maybe Connor needs a sweater set like what Olivia got. Today at our house our waking up temperature is 22 degrees F! No snow, but I think Grandma and Grandpa Notaro got some, from our weather channel news.
Love cousin Darleena