Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Back, Did You Miss Me?

All of our guests have returned home and we had a wonderful visit. We were very busy making the most out of every minute of each day. I think we are all now exhausted but it is well worth it. Olivia and Connor had a good time together too.

Keep checking back to see pictures of Connor and Olivia together.

Here I Am

Big Smile

Connor In His Little Man Outfit

Look What Cousin Olivia Taught Me, It's A Yogurt Pose.
(forgive Connor he means Yoga)


Anonymous said...

I sure did miss everyone! I kept checking,just in case, some Halloween pictures might have appeared!

Where did baby Connor go????
All of his pictures up to a week or so ago were "sleepy eyes" and serious....now BAM! Smiley! and he has "his" look.

Love Aunt Rita

Andrea said...

Olivia misses Connor. She told me this morning...