Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Disappearing Act

Have you wondered where we have been?!?!? Well our internet was BROKEN!!! We have been lost without it and we have missed it greatly. This afternoon we received our new modem and we are back in business.

My time at home with Connor is slowly coming to an end...sniff, sniff. The time has come for me to have to go back to work. I will have to see when I will have time to post, so you will have to be patient as I adjust. Connor thinks that he gets to go to work with me and he has already picked out the outfit that he wants to wear.

Do you like my dimples?

What's your sign?

Nice to meet you.


Anonymous said...

Wish you didn't have to go back to work, but you have to do what you have to'll handle it just fine. I love Connors outfit for the first day of work, if you took him with you he would have all kinds of baby sitters. What a handsome little guy he is!!!
Luv ya......

Anonymous said...

Where do you guys find such a fun clothing line??

still chuclking here.......

Love Aunt Rita

Andrea said...

Tell Connor that Olivia misses him! She hasn't had anyone to play with since our trip to TX!

Unknown said...

The cute outfit is compliments of cousin Jeremy, Kelly and family. They sent us some really cute outfits. Thanks again.

Ball family updates said...

I love his dimples! He will be a hit at work. Yes, it is hard to return to work but you all will do well because you are strong! I am glad you are back online:)
Cousin Darleena