Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jackson's Birthday Cake

Jackson is such a boy!  He is into all things DIRT...tranctors, dump trucks, shovels, sticks, and much more.  As I was trying to think of what kind of cake to make for his 2nd Birthday I thought it was fitting to for me to make him a cake a that included some of his favorite things.  Connor thought the cake had real dirt on top of his.  When Cliff ate a piece of the "dirt", Connor quickly said, "no daddy that's dirt".  Oh, how I love my boys. 

As you can see in the last two pictures, Jackson was very shy when we sang him Happy Birthday.


Aunt Rita said...

Oh I like the look of that cake!! yummy!

I have never seen Jackson shy like that.....so cute.

Love Aunt Rita

Kathleen said...

So did he use that hammer to cut the cake?