Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Jackson!!

Two years ago today our precious baby boy  Jackson Troy Owens entered this world.  I can't believe that it has already been two years.  Jackson is such a sweet fun loving boy.  We are all having so much fun with him.  He is smart, funny, caring, and a great little brother.  Connor and Jackson are the best of friends together.  We are blessed to have two wonderful boys and they are blessed to have each other.  It's amazing how time flies so quickly, we are holding on for the ride!

Jackson Troy Owens
July 26, 2010
7 1.5oz
20 inches


Cliff said...

Shauna forgot to mention how Jackson got his birthday hat this morning (as seen in the 2nd picture).

Connor sprinted down the stairs this morning, opened the pantry door and hopped up on top of the dog food. He started rummaging around the contents on the shelves until he found two cone-shaped birthday hats for him and Jackson. They both wore the hats the rest of the morning. They are buddies.

Aunt Rita said...

Happy Birthday Jackson!!

Love Aunt Rita


Anonymous said...

Oh that is just too sweet! They are good boys. Thank you for the videos and pics and Happy Birthday Jackson!! BIG HUG AND KISS! mmmwah!
Love, Aunt Kathy