Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Official Unofficial 9 Month Stats

Jackson recently just turned 9 months and he is on the move! He can now crawl at a super speed pace. He can walk while using one of his toys to push to help keep his balance. He can stand unassisted for about 15 seconds. He has 5 teeth and two more cutting through (three on the bottom, two on the top and two more coming in on the top). He sure is a trooper getting 4 teeth at once. I didn't know that he was getting so many as he NEVER lets me put my fingers in or near his mouth. Jackson is a different baby than Connor was. Jackson is powerful, forceful, and determined...I think Cliff and I are in trouble.

Jackson's Unofficial 9 Month Stats:
Length: 30 inches = 2 feet 6 inches
Weight: 21.8 lbs

Connor At Almost 10 Months:
Length: 29 3/4 inches
Weight 21.6 lbs


Aunt Rita said...

Oh boy oh boy that bottom picture says "see? see? see what I can do as you watch me?"

That is a lot of growing there Jackson my boy!

Love Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

To me he looks like Cliff. Is this how Cliff was as a baby? :) We here in NYS still haven't seen a picture of Cliff as a baby . . .
xxoo Aunt Kathy

Unknown said...

Think WAY back to our wedding day...there were baby pictures of Cliff there ;-)