Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ag Barn Open House

At Cliff's school this weekend they had an Open House for the Agricultural Barn. Connor got to go and tour the barn and see the animals that the students raise. Connor had a blast. He got to see cows, pigs, and chickens. According to Cliff, Connor was not shy at all and went right up to the animals.


Aunt Rita said...

Does Connor have a cupcake in his hand??? For him OR the animal?

Unknown said...

It's a cupcake for Connor. If I have the story right, this is his second cupcake. The first cupcake, he dropped on the floor after a cow lunged at him. Connor now refers to this cow as the "scary cow".

Anonymous said...

Connor's either having a nice conversation in that first picture or he's singing a song :)
Love, Aunt Kathy