Well as usual we all have been very busy. Over the past few weeks both Jackson and Connor had ear check ups.
Last week Jackson went for a check up from his ear infection and he was able to get his 6 month (9 days early, but who's counting) well baby check up too. Jackson received a good report and his ears are clear...hallelujah!!
Jackson's Stats (6 months):
Height: 27" (78.47 percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs 2.5oz (70.24 percentile)
Head: 18 1/4"
Jackson is growing so quickly. You may ask, "What's Jackson been up to lately?"
- He has been eating rice cereal for a while now.
- He has finished trying all the baby vegetables and fruits.
- He is now rolling over from back to front.
- He holds his bottle on his own.
- He can sit up on the floor.
- He has been cleared to start eating meat.
- Oh, and last but not least...he's teething!
Recently, Connor went for an ENT check up for his tubes. Connor was ready and prepared to meet with Dr. Ashe. While we were in the waiting roon he kept askings "Where's Dr. Ashe? He going to knock on the door". When Dr. Ashe came in Connor was a little nervous. Connor told Dr. Ashe "I have a puppy in my ear". That's what I told Connor he would be looking for in his ear and it worked. Connor told Dr. Ashe "there a puppy in my ear, it's white". While there we found out that Connor is now 34.4 lbs and his tubes look great. We were so happy that we got a good report.
Waiting For Dr. Yip
Brrr, It's Cold In Here.
Drinking My Bottle After My Shots.
Nervously Sitting In The Chair. Cheese!
Whoah, This Chair's Wobbly. I Don't Like It.
Beautiful boys. Connor looks like he's REAL tall sitting in that chair!
Love, Aunt Kathy
I am at work and just smiling away!
So glad the ears I getting better etc.
Love Aunt Rita
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