Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Daze

Hey guys! Hope all is well. Well we've finally given in. After a recent trip to the mall we realized that Connor was the only pre-2-year-old without a cell phone or an I-Pod so we got him the latter. We fancy ourselves as conservative folk so there's no way he gets a cell phone until he's 3........or at least 2-and-a-half.

Actually the photos below are of Connor after he found my I-Pod before an adult could intervene (actually one adult - Shauna - could have intervened but that would have meant passing up such a darn cute photo op!).

Otherwise, all is well. Shauna met with her doctor last week who informed her "we're not moving up your due date but you're most likely going to give birth several days before your original due date"?!!!!

Good God, doc, poop or get off the pot. I realize doctors are always at risk for a malpractice suit but isn't this a bit much? She might as well have said, "I'm not saying you'll give birth on a Wednesday but it definitely won't be a Tuesday or Thursday but absolutely something in between."

Other than that it's 'same old, same old' down here in Texas. Shauna's working hard, Connor's going to daycare every day and I'm trying to stick to my pre-summer promise to not take naps before noon. Having 2 months off is soooooooo boring.

So what happens if I hit this button?

Wo! That volume is way too high!

Thriller's the best! I hope Michael never dies!


Unknown said...

Editor's note: Shauna is not to blame for any part of this post. Every last syllable of every single word was directly from the demented mind of her husband......including the pics.

Aunt Rita said...

Did he really put the headphones on by himself???

That boy has been comfortable with electronic gadgets in his hand since month one or so!

Love Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Cliff, I can recognize your prose anywhere :) Glad you're enjoying your summer.
Love, Aunt Kathy