We have been on a long blogging hiatus so I thought I would post something funny to kick off the weekend...whew, we all made it to the weekend! A lot has happened since the last post.
I am now 21 weeks (22 weeks on Sunday) and I am feeling pretty good. I am getting bigger and I can feel the baby move more and more each day. At the end of the day after work and playing with Connor I am pretty tired. Connor is really good with me though, I lay on the floor to play with him and he comes over to lay with me too. He is a little love bug and LOVES his mommy.
Drum rolllll, please....we are having a BOY!!! We found out that Connor will have a little brother. We are all very excited and we got to see him, he looks a lot like Connor in the ultrasound pictures. Now I have a project to get Connor's old stuff sorted out and organized for the arrival of our new little guy.
We had some wonderful visitors Nana, Papa, Aunt Andrea and Olivia. We had a great time with everyone and it was so much fun to see the kids playing together. When Nana was here she gave Connor some 3-D t-shirts and glasses. He loves the t-shirts but he REALLY LOVES the glasses.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
ahhhhhhhhhh . . . Aunt Kathy feels better now that she's had her Connor Paul fix :)
Congratulations!!!! 2 handsome or should I say 3 handsome fellows in your life. Becca (Rusty's wife is due on March 30th, which is Rusty's Birthday) Glad everything is well with you all!!
Yeah...I was getting tired seeing Connor "hard at work"
Connor looks like the "hamburgler" in that outfit and glasses!
Silly boy Connor
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