Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Special Time

This weekend Connor got to spend some time with Gran and Grandad. During Connor's visit they went to Grandma and Grandpa Carr house. As you can see everyone had a good time.

Look At Me, I'm With Great Grandpa Carr.

That Was Funny Great Grandma Carr.


Anonymous said...

In those pictures, Connor kind of resembles both of his great-grandparents. Cute.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

My Mom and Dad just love the visits from Connor. They both laugh the whole time he is there. She told me the other day that they both were so tired when Connor and I left because he was so busy while he was there. He never slowed down since it was new territory he ran everywhere. He especially loved their ramp by the back door. I think he thought it was built just for him to run up and down.

Aunt Rita said...

Certainly is a special time.
And yes Aunt Kathy is right you do see the "Car" side of the family in Connor in those pictures.

Babies and puppies are the best for ALL ages!

Love Aunt Rita