Friday, November 13, 2009

Messy Boy

It has become very challenging to take pictures of Connor. In the morning it is WAY TOOO early to take pictures and in the evening when I pick him up he is a mess from school. I snapped a few pictures while Connor was eating dinner. It was bath night therefore his hair is CRAZY. Before I took the picture I ran my hands through it and this is what it looked like.

I'm A Big Boy!


Hahaha, You Crack Me Up.

Mom, You're Silly


Aunt Rita said...

Big smile here too!....can he be anymore silly!!

Love Aunt Rita

He sure looks like a big boy in those pictures too!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm . . . graham crackers! Good for growing babies :) And yes, I agree, he looks like a big boy in that shirt and wild hair!
Love, Aunt Kathy