Over the Thanksgiving Holiday Connor went to the Dr. for his 15 month check up. He is progressing as he should by hitting the milestones and he a healthy little (big) boy.
Connor's stats: (15 months)
Length: 33.25" (96th percentile)
Weight: 25 lbs and 12 oz (68th percentile)
Head Size: 19.49" (96th percentile)
Are You Sure This Is How It Works?
You Lie, You Lie...
That's what the Holidays will do to you. Take Connor's advice and stay away from scales during the Holiday Season. I hope everyone is staying warm.
I may have already said it once, but I just love pictures of little ones from behind. Don't know why, something to do with their straight little backs I think. And I just love these pics! Thank you for making my day :)
Love, Aunt Kathy
He sure is a "big" little boy..just growing so fast...
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