Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trippin' Thursday.

I hate to say it but I still have not unpacked from the trip therefore, my camera is still in the suitcase. I promise I will unpack at least my camera this weekend. I know I have been slacking.

In case you haven't heard at the end of last week Connor had pink eye. Of course Thursday his eye was a little watery and then Friday it was a little more watery and puffy then red. As you all know it is nearly impossible to get in to see a Dr. on Friday afternoon. Luckily his Dr. called in a prescription for him and Saturday morning he was already looking a lot better.

I swear this kid will have had everything before he starts school.

Connor Having A Dance Party With Papa and Olivia.

I Didn't Do It I Promise.

Nice Pass.

Nothing Like A Bottle From Great Grandma.
(Some Extra Special Love)

Connor Enjoying His New Magic Dino-Dragon
From Great Aunt Rita.

Photos are compliments of Great Aunt Rita, Thank you!


Aunt Rita said...


Love Aunt Rita

Joan said...

You're a sweetie too Connor...