Saturday, October 24, 2009


At Nana and Papa's house Connor got to try on Olivia's travel backpack. Since it's pink we told him it was a parachute...hahaha just kidding.

Does Anyone Else See That This Is Pink?

Mmmm, Snack Time

Get One, Papa Has A Whole Bag


Anonymous said...

I know you are real busy, so thanks so much for the updates (My favorite website). I am going to see that cute little boy (Uncle Jody (Sweetums) calls him little Cliff) before he turns 18..Really I am....

PS. I absolutely love your Aunts' comments....

Auntee Kyra

Anonymous said...

Yay! There ARE more pictures on that flash drive! I think that second picture would make a good advertisement for Pepperidge Farms. Great expression on Papa!
Love, Aunt Kathy