Thursday, August 6, 2009

Connor, What Is That?

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted last. We have been very busy and we have some updates.

Connor is officially now in the BIG BOY class room. He really loves being with the older kids. I can see that he was really bored with the infants. The other day when I went to pick him up from school, I was holding him and he was pointing to the lanterns hanging from the ceiling that the kids in his class made.

Yesterday, when I picked him up he was on the other side of the room and he walked half way over to me. Then he couldn't take it anymore and he started to lose it so he had to crawl. After we got home I was holding Connor and Cliff said "Connor, what is that?". I had no idea what he was talking about. Cliff found that Connor had yellow paint in his hair from school. Because his hair is light I didn't even see it when I picked him up...hahaha, check it out.

We have some new "Official News" too. Cliff has a new job, he will be coaching freshmen high school basketball and teaching History (not sure what grade). Today was his first day at his new job. We are all very excited for him and this is going to be a great experience for him. We couldn't be happier.


Aunt Rita said...

Congratulations Cliff!!

and Congratulations to Connor's move into the big kids room....I think the yellow paint in his hair is just the start of many new findings for that boy!

Love Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cliff! I know you will do well and have fun. And how can those kids not look up to you? (teehee)

Now please can we have some new pictures of Connor's face? I've been playing the mail room video over and over just so I can see him for real!

Love, Aunt Kathy

Joan said...

Good job Cliff!! Congratulations!!
Connor looks like he had a hot dog with mustard...that's how he got that spot...