Connor is now moving up to a sippy cup, this is not just ANY sippy cup, it is a Texas Tech sippy cup. So far Connor likes this cup the best. It is similar in size to his bottle, he can pick it up pretty well. We have tried water and apple juice. He is starting to like the water but he is not to sure of apple juice yet. The first time we tried giving him apple juice he gagged.
Happy Friday to All!!
The boy needs big cups, like his Daddy, for those growing hands!
Connor has that look about him in those picutres......mischevous,cute,"did I do that" look.
Love Aunt Rita
Connor is growing to fast, I can't believe he is drinking out of a sippy cup already. Did your Mom tell you Brain is having a baby girl aroung Aug 19th? I can't wait.
Love Aunt Ann
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