Monday, April 20, 2009

Math Practice

4+1=5, Connor now has 5 teeth. This weekend I found that he is getting another tooth on the top. When both of his top teeth are fully down he will have his two front teeth. Can you believe it?

We stayed close to home this weekend as it was rather stormy and wet. We have been introducing Connor to baby pureed meat and so far he is not a fan of Turkey and Rice Dinner. I tried to give it to him on Friday (for the second time) and he spit it out and then wiped his face with his hand and smeared it all the way up his face. He then cried and cried and refused to eat the Turkey and Rice Dinner. He was so upset, I couldn't help but laugh.

Last night when we were eating our dinner Connor would open his mouth like a little bird every time we would take a bite. Finally, I gave him a little piece of chicken and he loved it. He moved it around in his mouth and chewed. We will keep trying the baby pureed meat but I have a feeling that he is not going to like them very much. I think he would rather have our food.

Connor Showing Gran How He Can Hold His Own Bottle.


Anonymous said...

Cute pic of Connor Paul holding his bottle. Such a big boy! Maybe you need to get a baby food grinder and grind up some of your table food. I remember doing that for Claire and Lena, just don't remember what age.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Andrea said...

Have you tasted that baby food? Of course he would rather have your is MUCH better!!