Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It Was Cold in Fredonia!

We all made it through Connor's first flight. Connor was a great traveler and he didn't cry too much on the plane. He made lots of friends during our travels, he was smiling to a lot of the passengers.

We are now back in Texas, and it was cold in Fredonia. Connor was kept nice and warm in his snow suit....thanks to Nana. We had a wonderful time during our vacation. Connor of course was not to sure about Christmas, he really liked the wrapping paper. Connor is a lucky boy he received really nice presents...TOYS and clothes.

Connor had fun with Olivia, she bullied him around a little but we all know that will not last for long. They are so cute together and next Christmas will be a lot of fun with both of them being a little older. It will be a whole new experience.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

This Is My Snowsuit.

This Doesn't Taste Like Snow.


Ball family updates said...

I am so glad you had a safe and wonderful trip North. Wish I could have seen you all.
Cousin Darleena

Andrea said...

I didn't even realize he had a real snowsuit. Olivia is jealous b/c she can't move her arms in her snowsuit.

Anonymous said...

Miss you big time, but happy you're home safely! I'm glad I was able to feed Connor his bottle. My baby fix is still not fulfilled though :(
Love, Aunt Kathy