Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's Saturday!


Anonymous said...

oooooo he smells so sweet!
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!! I think I see alot of Shauna in that little Connor!!! What a sweetie....I bet he just loves his baths....Are you counting down the days to Nana and Papa and Andrea & Olivia coming....I bet you are!!! I think they are too...
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Shauna I love that picture of you and Connor. I can see some of you in his face in that picture. He looks like both of you. So!!!!! cute. Kristy's baby looks like his daddy. They all look like there daddy's. Won't be long and you will have a full house. It will be fun. Have a good time and take pictures.
Aunt Ann