Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mommy and Me

We are all doing well. Cliff, Connor and I are still adjusting but everyday we are making progress. Last night we had a good night as Connnor slept well. We will keep posting pictures as we can.

Mommy and Me


Anonymous said...

Oh Shauna, you both look so have that sparkle back!!! Does he still hold onto that pacifier like he did in that picture when he was 3 day old?? That was amazing. To look at you you'd never know that you just had a baby. You bouned back quick..
Love ya

Anonymous said...

I left out the c in bounced!!! I should have proofed!!

Anonymous said...

Now that is what I have been waitng for.....more pictures!

Shauna your "rested smile" is back!
and that little guy you are holding looks darn cumfy right there too.

Love Aunt Rita