Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NOW at a crib near you...

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the newest member of the Owens clan. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 1 and a half ounces, with a length of 20 and a quarter inches. Hailing from the Bayou City, Houston, TX by way of the Womens Hospital of Texas. Number 13 in your game program, number 1 in your hearts, Connor Paul Owens!!!!!!

On Monday, August 25th at 11:45 am CST we welcomed our new little guy to the world. Understandably cold and--compared to the other folks in the delivery room--quite underdressed, Connor's first impression of his mother must have been "why's she in so much pain," and of his old man, "who invited the Japanese tourist who won't stop taking pictures?"

It's somewhat surreal that after 9 months of tireless preparation for this little guy I was still kind of shocked to see him pop out. I mean, I knew he was coming and had envisioned that day in my mind dozens of times but I guess until you've been in that delivery room it's simply impossible to wrap your mind around what's about to happen.

While watching Connor arrive was amazing the most astounding aspect of the entire experience was Shauna. I could not be prouder of her. At one point during the delivery, roughly 7 hours after her water broke and 3 hours after she had begun her push cycles, I realized I had been standing for nearly 10 straight hours and my back hurt. My back hurt?!!!

I guess after seeing Shauna endure nearly a dozen hours of trauma without so much as a tear or even a grimace of pain I kind of lost my focus. I mean, I did my absolute best to help her every single step of the way and be as tough and provide as much support as possible but I was completely overwhelmed how tough Connor's mom was and is. She even managed to smile at Connor and give me a kiss (score!) immediately afterward.

Connor Paul and I are two VERY lucky dudes to have a lady like Shauna/mom in our lives. As soon as he has the requisite motor skills we'll high-five to her.

P.S. I understand Aunt Rita and Aunt Kathy, respectively, guessed Connor's birthdate correctly on Andrea's blog. Great guessing/estimation on both of your parts. Now, which one of you can let me know when he's going to stop crying and waking up for food in the middle of the night? Any one? Bueller? Bueller?


Anonymous said...

Welcome Home to The Owen's Family!!
....and then there were three.....

Sorry Cliff, I don't now nothin about birthin no babies, and certainly can't offer any advice to the questions you ask. I think I will leave that department to MY sister!

However, I do know something about holding the little ones and even giving them a bottle. Olivia seemed to have no complaints with me doing that.

Enjoy your new arrival and keep us updated, as time allows, on how the Golden Girls, and cats, are doing too with the little guy.

Love Aunt Rita

Anonymous said...

Well I'd like to dispense my tried and true advice on the crying and waking up for food thing but . . . I don't want to discourage you! But really, it seems like forever but it's over before you know it and that little guy will be standing up in his crib and smiling, just waiting for someone to pick him up and get him ready for his day. I do know, however, that grandmas are indispensable as far as soothing the crying baby. Especially great-grandma Notaro. She's the baby whisperer!

And congratulations Shauna. Cliff's depiction of your strength is a Notaro quality for sure. And congratulations Cliff, your admiration for Shauna and Connor Paul come through loud and clear in your writing. I look forward to reading more!

Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful expression for the whole experience you have just been through. You brought a tear to my eye. You are indeed a "gentle" giant!!! I love all the pictures I have seen...what a beautiful family. Enjoy every minute!!

Anonymous said...

Lena & Daniel

Anonymous said...

Great job Shauna bringing Connor into the world. Also congratulations to both of you on your new family.

The crying doesn't normally last to long. It is the only way Connor can tell you when he wants to eat, get changed, and not feeling good. You will learn his different crys. Also getting up at night doesn't last to long. They grew fast to fast. Enjoy every day and keep us posted on how you are all doing.
Aunt Ann

P. S. I'm sending you a package Sat. Let me know when you get it.