Friday, August 8, 2008

Extra, Extra WATCH All About it!!!

Let me start out by saying that the ultrasounds they perform are AMAZING!!! Take a look at a short video of our little guy at 37 weeks today. He is measuring right on schedule. As of today they estimate that he weighs 6 pounds 11 ounces. He is going to keep packing on the pounds until he is ready to make his arrival. Watch the video carefully as you will be able to see the dimple on his cheek.


Anonymous said...

He has a dimple!! I hope he has a matching one on his left cheek too!!!

Does Cliff have dimple?? I know I do and they match!!

Love Aunt Rita

That video is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
OH My have things changed in the years. I think the baby looks like Cliff. I'm only kidding it is hard to tell. Looking at that dimple was to cute. Times getting closer. My guess was on Aug. 14th the baby would be born. So get your bags packed girl. Good luck to you and your baby. Hope you have a easy delivery. Love Aunt Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
OH My have things changed in the years. I think the baby looks like Cliff. I'm only kidding it is hard to tell. Looking at that dimple was to cute. Times getting closer. My guess was on Aug. 14th the baby would be born. So get your bags packed girl. Good luck to you and your baby. Hope you have a easy delivery. Love Aunt Ann

Andrea said...

Hi nephew...Hi cousin.

Olivia wanted me to say hello to the little guy and to tell him to come out soon. She wants someone to play with and to teach how to suck his thumb and hold his foot. She could earn a gold medal in this talent.