Howdy-howdy from the Lone Star state. Everything here remains on that good old status quo freight train. Shauna had another one of her routine doctor checkups today and, we're happy to report, both mother and son are doing fine and remain on course for our date with destiny: August 29th.
According to Shauna's doctor (whose near-decade of schooling obviously more than qualifies her to make her patients wait no less than 90 minutes for her in-demand service) our little guy is facing south. Apparently, his hind-quarters are causing the ruckus on his momma's inner ribcage.
Anyhow, as important as each and every doc's appointment is it was Shauna's return to our homestead that was burned into my impressionable mind. Upon hearing her car enter the garage, nearly a half-hour after I got home, I ducked my head out the window to say "hello". Shauna, always the good soldier, was already on her way to switch the water hose (which I had already turned on) to the second or our two front yard trees.
(Note: all of your mothers out there, please skip the next paragraph.......alright dads, what's the one thing we expectant fathers-to-be immediately tire of? That's right, our little ladies complaining about "how fat" they are. Seriously? You're playing host to another human being right now and 15-20 pounds is unexceptable? It's almost 100 degrees outside AND beer's on sale at our local supermarket. If I don't need someone to roll me off of the couch in a few weeks I'd be surprised).
As I duck my head out the door to say hi to my lovely bride I immediately hear the whistling catcall of one of the (sorry all you Barack supporters) illegal aliens doubling as a construction worker on our soon-to-be neighbor's home. "Wheeeet-whooeeeewwwwwww!!!!!!!" Dyno-mite!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Shauna to death and should never relish her discomfort but, come on, this was awesome! Needless to say, she did not share my enthusiasm.
To make a long story short, I'd like to use this example to reinforce the confidence of pregnant women everwhere. Regardless of how uncomfortable, bloated and unattractive you may feel, trust me, there is a construction worker somewhere who finds you attractive (or whatever the Spanish word for attractive is).
Your's truly,
P.S. The girls are happy, one of our cats is bald and the Astros are playing much, much better.
!Shauna es muy atractivo!
Claire :o)
You go Claire Ann!!
My sad attempt would be "mucho bueno pretty lady no?!"
Wow, you sure made up for lost time, love it. Shauna, I had an uncle that said that women are the most beautiful when they are pregnant, and he really meant it. That fellow was probably right on the money. I know you probbly don't feel it, but you are. Did you get that cold beer, Cliff?? Sure hope so. Keep up the good work!! Love ya, Joan
Hi! Its good to hear from you again! So what do you do to keep yourself busy when waiting for the doctor? Reading, knitting? We love hearing from you, keep up the good work!
Lena and Daniel
Hi Shauna and Cliff,
It makes it hard when your little guy is kicking you in the ribs. I do think women that are pregnant are beautiful. I know I also felt fat. Clif remember a pregnant lady is alway right!!! Clif reading what you wrote cracked me up. Please keep us informed it is very interesting and I love hearing from both of you. Good picture of your son. Take care
Auntie Ann
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