Welcome to Shauna's and my baby blog. I'm not sure how often we'll post. I'm not sure of the quality of our future posts. I'm also not sure how informative this post will prove to be to all you family members and friends out there but I am sure that we'll be welcoming a brand new baby boy into our home in the not-too-distant future and for that I am thankful.
We're nearing the homestretch (30 weeks this Friday) and I'm sure Shauna can see the finish line so stay tuned and we'll do our best to keep you in step with our countdown to parentdom.
Editor's note: any posts from here forward that fail to make complete sense in any way should immediately and whole-heartedly be attributed to the husband. As has been scientifically proven all mis-steps regarding...pretty much anything...during a pregnancy can and should be assigned to the male parent with the deepest apologies to the future mother.
We're nearing the homestretch (30 weeks this Friday) and I'm sure Shauna can see the finish line so stay tuned and we'll do our best to keep you in step with our countdown to parentdom.
Editor's note: any posts from here forward that fail to make complete sense in any way should immediately and whole-heartedly be attributed to the husband. As has been scientifically proven all mis-steps regarding...pretty much anything...during a pregnancy can and should be assigned to the male parent with the deepest apologies to the future mother.
Ultrasound 12 weeks
Hi you 2 and 2/3rds..Glad you decided to have a blog..it is so much fun to hear and see what is going on tn the great state of Texas...Keep up the good work and remember...nobody is perfect!! Did you get your father-tobe e.mail card??? Sure hope so...this is my 3rd try to comment, hope it makes it through this time. Luv ya, Joan
Good start!
Love Aunt Rita
Hi Joan - Cliff did get the e-card and he loved it.
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