Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brotherly Love!

Well over the past few days we have reached a few milestones for Jackson.  Jackson has been wearing underwear all week to school and he has come home dry with no accidents.  Last night Jackson pooped in the potty for the first time.  After that Connor said that he had to go too because he wanted to get a toy.  As I was getting Jackson ready for bath last night he kept telling me "know I can do it, I a big boy now".    This morning Jackson and Connor both got a spikey hair faux-hawk look thanks to Daddy.  They both look pretty good for a 6:30am picture!  It's amazing how time flys, my boys are no longer babies...tear.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy Cliffmas!!

Yesterday was Cliff's Birthday therefore, it was Cliffmas (for those of you that were not aware).  The boys were super excited to celebrate Cliff's birthday.  Connor and Jackson decorated the light above the dining room table.  Connor said that we had to have streamers for Daddy's Birthday.  After Cliff came home we had cupcakes which the boys REALLY enjoyed.  Birthday's have a whole new meaning with the boys.  We had so much fun.  The boys insisted on wearing streamers as headbands.  In the pictures they were making their "Grrrrr face".

Connor:  Is Daddy home yet?
Me: I don't think so.
Connor:  Well it's okay if Daddy's not home from work yet.
We need to decorate.  It's okay if he's at work for a little while.
Jackson: I'm ready for my Birthday dinner (a.k.a. cupcake)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stop, It's Haircut Time!

It was time for the boys to get a real haircut as they were both getting too shaggy.  Cliff usually cuts the boys hair but this time Cliff took them to Snip-Its to get their haircut.  Connor was a little hesitant to get his haircut as he keeps telling us he wants a mohawk.  We are not sure why he wants a mohawk but we settled with spikey hair. 

Friday, January 11, 2013