Friday, March 25, 2011

Shake Weight = Exhausting!

Okay, How Many Reps?

Do I Look Fat From This Angle?

Exhausted Time For A Nap.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fun With Friends!

Connor And His Friend.
Phew, I Need A Rest...

...Whoa, Just Kidding!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hoopin' Ain't Easy

Basketball's in the blood...what can I say. Yesterday, Jackson went for his ear check up and he got a good report. His ears are all clear...YEAH! Since he was all better he had to get some shots...Boo! He was such a good boy, he didn't even shed a tear. As noted in the previous post he is a chunky monkey! He weighed in at 20 lbs 6 oz. He gained a pound from his last visit on February 26. What can I say he LOVES to eat. I'm in big trouble for when Jackson and Connor get older. Jackson now has a second tooth on the bottom and he is crawling. There's no turning back now, he's on the move.

Okay, So This Is My Basketball.

I Bounce It Like This.

Who Called A Time Out?!

Hahaha, Did I Do A Good Job?

I'm Ready To Play.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week Recap

We've had a busy's the recap! Connor went to Gran's office to visit the ladies. While he was there he got to celebrate Mardi Gras. He got to go to Daddy's basketball game on Friday with Gran and Grandad. After the game he got to spend the night. Grandad read him a story before bed. On Saturday, I had to take Jackson to the Dr., poor baby has an ear infection again. He is such a trooper and he wasn't very fussy for having a ear infection, yucky cough, runny nose, and teething. He is such a good baby. On February 4 at the Dr. he was 19lbs. This past visit on February 26 he weighed in at 19lbs 7.5oz.

Whoooo Hooooo, Mardi Gras.

Story Time With Grandad Is The Best.

Jackson At The Dr.
When at the Dr.'s Jackson now likes to tear up the paper that is covering the table. He finds it very fun to destroy it before the Dr. gets into the office. He also likes to hear the crinkle of the paper.