Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Green Thumb

At school Connor has been learning about planting seeds and taking care of plants. This past weekend he put what he learned at school to the test. He helped Grandad water his plants outside. After all water and outside are two of his favorite things.

P.S. When I see these pictures I know that Grandpa Paul Notaro would have been so proud to see Connor in action taking care of and watering the plants while wearing his baseball cap.

Alright, I'm Ready To Water...

...Drink Up.

Now It's Time For My Drink!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Daze

Hey guys! Hope all is well. Well we've finally given in. After a recent trip to the mall we realized that Connor was the only pre-2-year-old without a cell phone or an I-Pod so we got him the latter. We fancy ourselves as conservative folk so there's no way he gets a cell phone until he's 3........or at least 2-and-a-half.

Actually the photos below are of Connor after he found my I-Pod before an adult could intervene (actually one adult - Shauna - could have intervened but that would have meant passing up such a darn cute photo op!).

Otherwise, all is well. Shauna met with her doctor last week who informed her "we're not moving up your due date but you're most likely going to give birth several days before your original due date"?!!!!

Good God, doc, poop or get off the pot. I realize doctors are always at risk for a malpractice suit but isn't this a bit much? She might as well have said, "I'm not saying you'll give birth on a Wednesday but it definitely won't be a Tuesday or Thursday but absolutely something in between."

Other than that it's 'same old, same old' down here in Texas. Shauna's working hard, Connor's going to daycare every day and I'm trying to stick to my pre-summer promise to not take naps before noon. Having 2 months off is soooooooo boring.

So what happens if I hit this button?

Wo! That volume is way too high!

Thriller's the best! I hope Michael never dies!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Have You Seen My Paci?

Yesterday while at school Connor LOST his paci! Yes, he lost it at 10:30am and he was without it for the whole day. His teachers searched and searched for it and they didn't find it and they know that Connor LOVES his paci. They said that he did pretty well without it but as a result he wouldn't take a nap. His teacher said that he was good during nap time and played quietly on his mat while the other kids slept. Luckily we had a pretty good evening at home since he didn't take a nap. That was a first for Connor!

Did You See My Little Brother?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Special Preview

Okay, so here we are coming into the homestretch and we need YOUR help. We seriously need some help with names. Think outside the box but you have to be serious this time. If you have any name ideas outside of what we have already mentioned please let us know.

I am currently 34 weeks and counting. This morning I had an ultrasound and I got to see the baby...YIPEEEEE. They are estimating that he is 5lbs 6oz. The technician said "look at those chubby cheeks". My doctor is estimating that he will be around 8lbs, I hope no larger. During the ultrasound he kept putting his hands over his face and he wouldn't let us get a good look. Eventually, he let us see his handsome face but not for long.

Who do you think he looks like? Does he look like Connor?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Saddle Up

This past weekend we went to Cliff's parents to celebrate Father's Day. Connor did a lot of playing and swimming, he is a very busy boy. He also found a pair of boots in Grandad's closet and HAD to wear them.

This morning Connor was ready to go to school. When I dropped him off he ran into his classroom said "hi" to his teacher and then ran and sat on the carpet to read a book and finish his waffle. When I went to leave his classroom I said "see you later" and he looked up from his book and said "Bye, Bye" followed by a wave. Connor sure has a morning routine and he loves school.

Cowboy Connor

I Forgot Something...

...Every Cowboy Needs A Horse.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Inside Out Day

Yesterday at Connor's school it was "Inside Out Day" so he got to wear his shirt inside out to school. I think yesterday was Backwards Day too as Connor didn't want anything for dinner all he wanted was cereal and milk. He was not in the best of moods yesterday evening. This picture is the calm during the storm.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

33 Weeks And Counting

Okay, so these pictures were taken bright and early this morning. I'm not fully awake but Connor on the other hand he is feelin' just fine.

P.S. If you are wondering about Connor's socks, it's CRAZY sock day at school today.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Feelin' Fine

As you can see Connor is feeling fine after his surgery. After his 3 hour nap yesterday he woke up feeling like a champ. He was an eating machine and he was ready to play. Lately he loves to fit into small spaces as you can see below.

Today Connor will spend one last day at home for a little R & R with Cliff. Since Connor is at home today, he will be making his rounds to see Gran and the ladies at work. He will get lots of extra loving and attention today, which he LOVES.

Just My Size

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Tubes Day

This morning we were all up bright and early for Connor's surgery. We had to be at the surgery center by 6:30am. Needless to say, we did not have a happy little boy first thing in the morning as we had to wake him before his normal waking hours. When we got to the center he was in a good mood. The good mood slowly faded when he saw the diaper bag and began to cry for snacks. Poor baby was sooo hungry since he was not allowed to eat or drink anything since last night. When it was time for surgery it went very well. It was VERY quick and all things considered he was a good boy. After we got home he was back to his old self running around eating a waffle and a banana, just like nothing ever happened.
Going For A Cruise Before Surgery

...Still Cruising

Connor Relaxing At Home Watching Yo Gabba Gabba

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Time Update!

Today I am officially 32 weeks and I can hardly believe it. Before we know it this little boy will be here. We are still working on picking out a name I feel as though it is much harder this time to pick a name. Hopefully we will have one picked before the baby comes. I'm feeling pretty good even though the summer TEXAS heat has kicked in. We are all trying to stay cool.

Cliff is officially on summer break...lucky bum. He survived his first year teaching and he had a great experience. Next year he won't return to that school though, he has accpeted a new job with a school much closer to the house. We are very lucky that this opportunity has been presented to him. Since he will be closer he will be able to help me get the boys ready in the morning before he leaves. Before he had to leave so early that we were all still sleeping when he left for school. We are all very excited!!

Yesterday, Connor helped out with a few chores. He watered the trees in the front yard and he had a great time. This was the first time that he watered the trees and as you can see he had a BLAST!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Connor Checking Out Daisy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Play Ball!!

This past weekend Connor got to use his T-ball set for the first time. Connor had a lot of fun trying to hit the ball. He thought it was really funny especially when Daddy hit the ball far, Connor would then run to get the ball to bring it back. Now when Connor and I go into the garage to leave for school he sees the T-ball set and says "bat, ball", he is always ready to play outside. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Now that today is Thursday, the weekend is right around the corner....YIPEEEEE.

Ok, Like This?

Uh Oh Ball

Now I'm Ready

My, Two, Twee, Go!
(One, Two, Three, Go!)