Thursday, January 28, 2010

17 months

Hope this post finds you all doing well. Although we're not near any numeric milestones for young Connor Paul I feel obligated to reminisce about his 17 months. Because you have felt the need to check in here for updates on the young man you obviously realize that in just a short amount of time Connor has become many things to many folks:

A Loving Grandson

An Entertaining Play Pal

An Attentive Cousin

A Respectful Son

And An All Around Good Guy

While it must seem daunting to wear so many 'hats' at such a young age Connor seems to take it all in stride and keep coming back for more. This is why we're looking forward to seeing him in his biggest role yet.......big brother.

That's right. Before the end of the upcoming summer Connor will no longer be able to sit idly by, relying on others as many only-children do, simply skating through life. By early August Connor will know the responsibility of having a younger brother/sister following in your footsteps, mimicking everything you do or say...hope we have enough hats.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Special Time

This weekend Connor got to spend some time with Gran and Grandad. During Connor's visit they went to Grandma and Grandpa Carr house. As you can see everyone had a good time.

Look At Me, I'm With Great Grandpa Carr.

That Was Funny Great Grandma Carr.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Play Date

This weekend Connor had a play date with some of Cliff's co-workers children. It took Connor a little bit to warm up to everyone as he was in a new place. After he warmed up he jumped right in to play legos with the other kids. He had a blast as there were a few kids right around his age. Needless to say when he got home he was exhausted.

Hey, Wait For Me.

Is It Time To Eat Yet?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mmmm, Breakfast!

Now that Connor is all done with his bottles he hasn't been much of a breakfast eater before school. The other day I offered him an animal cracker and this is what he looked like for awhile before we left for school. As you can see in this pictures his jacke is already on, so the cracker has been sticking out of his mouth for a long time.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hats - Part IV

How Can You Say "No" To This Face?

I'm Ready To Go Outside

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hats - Part III

Sorry, no captions today. You can create your own.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hats - Part II

Huh? What? My Cell Phone Is Ringing?

I See You.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hats - Part I

Just about everyday Connor enjoys playing in the tupperware cupboard. This is the one cupboard that he can pull everything out and it is okay. On Friday he was playing in the tupperware and he was really quiet (quiet is not always a good thing). When I snuck into the kitchen he had a container on his head like a hat and he does NOT wear hats. I was laughing hysterically. So we had to have a mini photo shoot. This photo shoot continued throughout the weekend as you can see this is only part one. Enjoy and happy Monday.

I'm A Ninja Warrior

Uh Oh, It Fell Apart

I Just Need This One Piece


Let ME See The Pictures

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ohhhh, SNAP!!

We've been hit with a COLD SNAP!!! It is very cold here today in the big state of Texas. This morning when Connor and I got up it was 26 degrees out, brrrrrrrrrrr. When I took Connor outside the cold stole his breath and he thought it was funny. I hope everyone is staying warm. Oh, yeah, and happy friday (thank goodness).

Did You Hear?

It Feels Like The Freezer Outside.

Off To School We Go.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bye, Bye, Bottle

Dear Bottle -

Bye, Bye Bottle! Why must you go? I loved you so. You comforted me when I was hungry, sad, or upset. We were a perfect match and I wish that you would come back. I guess I will manage but it will be tough, you gave me an extra lift in my morning and you helped tuck me in at night. All of the memories that we shared, you are gone but you will never be forgottten.

Missing You,