Saturday, October 31, 2009

Get Well Wishes

This afternoon Connor and I went to the grocery store. While at the store Connor got a red balloon. Connor wants to give his red balloon to Joan. He is sending it your way through the blog. Get well soon Joan.

I Got This Balloon Just For You!

Sending It With A Hug

Get Well Soon

Friday, October 30, 2009


Did I scare you? Just kidding, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! Connor wishes he could be with his Papa today to celebrate and have a DANCE party.

Today Connor is all dressed for Halloween. At his school they are going to have a party and after nap time they get to dress up in their costumes. Then they get to trick or treat to the different classrooms at the school. Connor is ready to party!

Having Breakfast, Big Day Ahead.

Don't I Look Good.

Hahahah, I Crack Myself Up.

Me And My Buddy Daisy.

Hahaha, She Licked My Hand.
(Connor loves Daisy and she loves him too. She will lay down to get him to come over to her)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Up Close And Personal

Cliff's photo speciality is taking close ups of Connor. Here are some CLOSE ups of Connor.

I Promise...

...I Didn't Do It...

... Or Did I?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Take Me To Your Leader!

This week is a big week for Connor, he went to school with NO bottles. He is down to two bottles a day. Connor was not to fond of the switch at first therefore it has taken us a lot longer to transition. He now loves his milk but he still LOVES his bottles. Yesterday in the evening I gave him a bottle and I thought he was going to fall over, he was so excited and he was crying at the same time.

Over the weekend Connor learned a few new things. He learned that 1) tupperware is the BEST toy 2) it echos when you yell into it 3) that we have a tupperware container large enough to fit over his melon. With his new found "talents" you will see Connor during one of his brightest moments. Enjoy!

Take Me To Your Leader!

Your Leader Please!

Ahh, Ahh, Ahh
(as he is listening to it echo)

I'm Still Cute ;-)

Whoa, It Gets Hot In There

P.S. As I was taking the pictures I was falling out laughing.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Story Time

Connor and Olivia enjoying story time with Great Aunt Rita. Who doesn't love a good story?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Choooo Choooo

Look out, it's the Connor and Oliva Express...chooo, choooo. During our visist Nana made Connor and Olivia a special cake, it was a choo choo train.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


At Nana and Papa's house Connor got to try on Olivia's travel backpack. Since it's pink we told him it was a parachute...hahaha just kidding.

Does Anyone Else See That This Is Pink?

Mmmm, Snack Time

Get One, Papa Has A Whole Bag

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fuh Bah

Alright, alright, lets get caught up a little. I have been super busy and until Thursday I couldn't find my flash drive to upload the pictures to the computer. We are back and we have some catching up to do.

Last Friday Connor went to the Dr. to get some more shots. While the nurse was giving him his shots I was able to see that his bottom molars are now coming in. It is a dangerous task to see if he has new teeth since his upper molars have arrived. He thinks that it is rather funny when I put my finger in his mouth and he bites it. As you can imagine I no longer put my fingers in his mouth.

Today Gran and Grandad are taking Connor to the Dr. for his second set of shots. We are playing catch up since he wasn't able to get his shots before we left for our NY trip.

As many of you already know, while we were at Nana and Papa's house Connor discovered the fuh bah (football). He loved the football at their house and since being home he plays with his football a lot. It is cute he will be across the room and look for his "fuh bah".

Fuh Bah


Hut, Hut, Hike...

Nice Catch!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trippin' Thursday.

I hate to say it but I still have not unpacked from the trip therefore, my camera is still in the suitcase. I promise I will unpack at least my camera this weekend. I know I have been slacking.

In case you haven't heard at the end of last week Connor had pink eye. Of course Thursday his eye was a little watery and then Friday it was a little more watery and puffy then red. As you all know it is nearly impossible to get in to see a Dr. on Friday afternoon. Luckily his Dr. called in a prescription for him and Saturday morning he was already looking a lot better.

I swear this kid will have had everything before he starts school.

Connor Having A Dance Party With Papa and Olivia.

I Didn't Do It I Promise.

Nice Pass.

Nothing Like A Bottle From Great Grandma.
(Some Extra Special Love)

Connor Enjoying His New Magic Dino-Dragon
From Great Aunt Rita.

Photos are compliments of Great Aunt Rita, Thank you!