Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr. Visit...Check Up (12 months)

Yesterday Connor went to the Dr.'s for his 1 year check up. I was a little worried that he may be getting sick, he has had a little runny nose and cough. When the Dr. came in Connor wasn't very sure of her. But after a few seconds he walked up to her and put his arms up to be picked up. As one of Cliff's friends said "he has never meet a stranger". As the Dr. was checking Connor out she found that he is getting two more teeth (upper molars), hence the runny nose and cough. I was relieved when she said that his ears looked great...hallelujah. We decieded to wait to get his 1 year shots since we will be traveling soon. We didn't want any reaction or fever to interrupt our trip. I am excited to get to our final destination. I can't wait to see Connor and Olivia playing with each other. I am also excited to see all my family. Also as an added bonus, cool weather, what does that feel like?

Connor's stats: (12 months and 3 weeks old)
Length: 32 1/2" (98th percentile)
Weight: 24.4 lbs (68th percentile)
Head Size: 19 1/8" (95th percentile)

Guess What?

I'm Tall!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Taking A Rest

While Nana was here visiting we went out to eat (of course, mmmm). At one restaurant while we were out to eat Connor started getting sleepy and he took a little rest. At the table next to us there was a little girl and Connor kept staring at her.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sail Away

Breakfast Of Champions.

See My Knee, I Did It At School.

Nothing Like An After Breakfast Paci.

Is It That Time Already?

Let's Go Mom, It's Time For School.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cooling Off From The Texas Heat!

Ahhhh, This Feels Nice.

Checking Out My Boat

I Love My Float.

Trying To Get Connor Out Of His Float...

...Was A Two Person Job!

Look I'm Standing On The Step All By Myself

What's This I Found?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wow, How Time Flies!

It is hard to believe that last year at this time Connor was soooo little. Below I have re-posted the pictures that I orginally posted on September 8, 2008. I can't believe how fast the time passes and yes, I know it's going to continue to go this fast and faster. I am holding on and enjoying the ride.

I have received numerous requests for new pictures of Connor to be posted to the blog but I am sorry to say you will have to wait a little bit longer. Tonight is Cliff's first Open House and I will try to post some new pictures tonight after Connor goes to bed. if not tonight, I will post some in the morning.

Connor is very active and he is walking all around. He is a lot of fun and he makes us all laugh everyday. I am trying to MENTALLY gear myself up for our flight (Connor and myself) home to Fredonia. As I half joke, we may or may not make it out of Atlanta depending on Connor's behavior. They may not let us on the next part of the flight. This is going to be interesting as it will be my first flight with Connor. Please, I ask, that you start praying that Connor will behave and that I will remain sane.

Until new photos are posted please have look back: September 8, 2008