Yesterday Connor went to the Dr.'s for his 1 year check up. I was a little worried that he may be getting sick, he has had a little runny nose and cough. When the Dr. came in Connor wasn't very sure of her. But after a few seconds he walked up to her and put his arms up to be picked up. As one of Cliff's friends said "he has never meet a stranger". As the Dr. was checking Connor out she found that he is getting two more teeth (upper molars), hence the runny nose and cough. I was relieved when she said that his ears looked great...hallelujah. We decieded to wait to get his 1 year shots since we will be traveling soon. We didn't want any reaction or fever to interrupt our trip. I am excited to get to our final destination. I can't wait to see Connor and Olivia playing with each other. I am also excited to see all my family. Also as an added bonus, cool weather, what does that feel like?
Connor's stats: (12 months and 3 weeks old)
Length: 32 1/2" (98th percentile)
Weight: 24.4 lbs (68th percentile)
Head Size: 19 1/8" (95th percentile)