Friday, July 24, 2009

Family Fun

Dad, Let's Play Peek-A-Boo.

Are We Done Yet?

What? Mom Are You Calling Me?

Patty Cake?


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Look What I Got

This past weekend Connor got some new "pre-walking" shoes. He needed to get new shoes for school since he is trying to walk more and more. He loves his new shoes and they are fit him great.

P.S. Now I know what it feels like to have a 23.6 lb boy step on my feet with rubber soled shoes while trying to walk...OUCH!! And he is only going to get heavier :-)

Hold On And...


Look Ma, One Hand.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

PJ Party

Connor and Olivia in their PJ's while on vacation.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lazy Day At The River

Ahhhh, I wish I could turn back time and go back to Myrtle Beach. What a great time we all had there. Here are a few pictures of us at the lazy river.

Cooling Off At The River.

Ahhhhh, Nana Where Are You? Why Is My Bath Tub Sooooo Big?

This Isn't Bad After All, I'm Glad Nana Came To Get Me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Day At The Aquarium


Olivia, Do You See What I See?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Connor Working In The Mail Room

Here is a short video clip of Connor at work with Gran. That day Connor had mail room duty.

This boy is a thrill seeker.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eating Out

Here is another picture of Connor while we were on vacation. One of his favorite parts of the vacation...eating out.

I Love "Crab Catchers"

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little Fun

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We had a good weekend but it never seems long enough. I don't have too much news to report as I have a slight case of "the Mondays". Enjoy the pictures.


Grrrr...This Is My Mean Face.

Time To Explore.

Ahhh, This Is Some Good Stuff.

I Think I Have A Wedgie.

Just Kidding...I Can't Get A Wedgie With A Diaper.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4 Glorious Years

Check Up And An Ouchie.

On Tuesday, Connor went for his ear checkup. Here is what we found...his ear infection is gone BUT, he still has fluid in his ears. So what does all of that mean? It means that Connor is now on a decongestant and then we will go back for yet another checkup to see if the fluid is gone. If it is not we will probably have to go to an ENT doctor. During this visit he had some routine bloodwork, that was supposed to be done at his 9 month checkup but he was sick. Poor baby had his blood taken like an adult. I didn't know that did it like this when are this young.

Note: He now weighs 22.6 lbs, that's .2 more than last weeks visit.

Did You Hear What THEY Did To Me?

Can You Believe It? They Stuck My Arm.

All That Cryin' Really Made Me Hungry.

See You Later, I'm Outta Here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Connor In Action

Pictures of Connor in action. Now I know what Andrea means when she says it's hard to take pictures of Olivia because she is always on the move. Connor sure is a mover and he isn't even walking yet.

I Have A Feeling Someone Is Watching Me.

Let Me See.

There You Are, I Knew Someone Was There.

This Is My New Push Toy.

See The Headlights?

When I Want To Walk I Hold On Here.

See...How Good I Am?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Houston...We Have A Climber

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th. We had a great weekend, it was full of sun and swimming, food, and family. Over the weekend Connor learned to do a few new things. He has learned that he can climb the stairs....AHHHHH. He is very good and QUICK!! Now that he knows that he can climb the stairs we have had to move the gate to the bottom of the stairs. With the gate at the bottom he only has access to three stairs.

He also learned that he can climb onto his rocking chair and STAND....yes, you heard correct. As you can see below, I turned my back for literally one second and this is what I found. Needless to say he was very proud of himself. Oh yeah, while he was standing on the chair he was holding onto either side shaiking the chair to make it rock back and forth. We are going to have our hands full.

One question I ask to you, are ALL boys like this? I am a little nervous as I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

P.S. No Captions Required.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Early Bird

This morning before Connor went to school we took a few pictures. Here is Connor with his new toy that he got last weekend. It's a push toy that helps him walk. When we were on vacation Connor used Olivia's push toy and he had so much fun. Connor gets very upset when it gets stuck and he can't push it anymore. He also thinks that is is hilarious to push it and he cracks himself up. I hope that everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.

P.S. The shirt is compliments of Aunt Miranda.

Hey Everyone!!

What's That Dad?



Hahaha, How Was That?