Thursday, April 30, 2009

On The Move

Connor is now on the move. Last night as we were getting him ready for bed he was crawling and pulling up on his crib. After we put Connor in his crib for bed he tried to pull up to stand and he fell and hit his face. It scared him and he started to cry, but he was okay.

About ten minutes later I went back upstairs and I heard him crying. I opened his door and he was standing in his crib holding onto the railing. He didn't know how to sit himself back down. I layed him back down and he fell fast asleep.

We will have to work on getting a picture of his teeth. It has been pretty busy in the evenings and he has been going to bed earlier. He is pretty tired at the end of the day. I will try to get some new pictures of him this weekend.


How Do I Get In There?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Boy...Updates

Connor is a big boy! This weekend we had to lower his crib mattress to the lowest level. Before we lowered his crib he would get on his knees and hold on to the railing of his crib and pull back and forth. At school he pulls up on his crib to stand. Now that his crib is lower he is practically on the ground :-) Thank goodness!

Connor can no longer take a bath in his baby bathtub. He now takes a bath in the BIG tub. Yesterday, I bought a mat to put in the tub to keep him from slipping around. Boy, oh, Boy, he is growing up so fast.

His top teeth are coming in strong. I know that they are strong because he bit my shoulder this weekend too. He is fast with those teeth, I let out a yelp and he looked at me like, "What did I do?".

Ohhhh NO, I forgot to tell you the BIG NEWS, Connor started to crawl last week. I forgot to post the news because I have been working on a video clip to post to the blog. Cliff was able to capture the moment on video. He only crawls when he wants to, but we know that he can do it.

I Miss You!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rockin' Rockets

This past weekend when Connor went to visit Gran they brought home Cliff's rocking chair that he had when he was a little boy. It is funny how in some of the pictures he looks really BIG!!

Daddy's Rocking Chair


This Is For Me??

Ahhhhh, How Relaxing

Monday, April 20, 2009

Math Practice

4+1=5, Connor now has 5 teeth. This weekend I found that he is getting another tooth on the top. When both of his top teeth are fully down he will have his two front teeth. Can you believe it?

We stayed close to home this weekend as it was rather stormy and wet. We have been introducing Connor to baby pureed meat and so far he is not a fan of Turkey and Rice Dinner. I tried to give it to him on Friday (for the second time) and he spit it out and then wiped his face with his hand and smeared it all the way up his face. He then cried and cried and refused to eat the Turkey and Rice Dinner. He was so upset, I couldn't help but laugh.

Last night when we were eating our dinner Connor would open his mouth like a little bird every time we would take a bite. Finally, I gave him a little piece of chicken and he loved it. He moved it around in his mouth and chewed. We will keep trying the baby pureed meat but I have a feeling that he is not going to like them very much. I think he would rather have our food.

Connor Showing Gran How He Can Hold His Own Bottle.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Movin' Up

Connor is now moving up to a sippy cup, this is not just ANY sippy cup, it is a Texas Tech sippy cup. So far Connor likes this cup the best. It is similar in size to his bottle, he can pick it up pretty well. We have tried water and apple juice. He is starting to like the water but he is not to sure of apple juice yet. The first time we tried giving him apple juice he gagged.

Happy Friday to All!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finger Painting


4!! Connor now has 4 teeth. Three on the bottom and one on the top. He is a teething and drooling machine. Yesterday when I picked up Connor from school, his teacher told me that I have to send more food. This is the second time that I have been requested to send more food and I know that this is only the begining I knew that he was going to be an eater. He is a strong, healthy, growing boy.

Connor is still not crawling yet but he really likes to rock on his knees. He loves to stand when you are holding his hands. I know that it won't be long before he is on the move.

Connor is starting to take more of an interest in the animals. When we get home, I let the dogs out and Connor and I go outside to watch the dogs play. He just smiles and watches them run around the yard. When we are in the house, the dogs will come up to him and he reaches out for them. He tries to pet them but he tends to pull their hair. He also likes to watch the cats run around the house. He likes when the cats lay on the back of the couch. The other day Oscar was laying on the back of the couch waving his tail and it kept hitting Connor in the face and he would smile.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoppy Easter!!

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Yesterday we had a great day visiting with family. This Easter we were very lucky and we had a special visitor. The Easter Bunny came to visit us, this was not just any Easter was Connor Bunny.

Connor Bunny Is Here!!

Happy Easter.

How About A Hug?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friday's Almost Here!!

Here are a few old pictures of Connor. A little something to get you through the end of the week. Especially for those who have to work tomorrow, like me...I don't have off for Good Friday.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dr. Visit...Check Up

Connor is a little over 7 months old and he just now was able to get his 6 month immunizations. He went for his check up yesterday and his ear infection is gone...YEAHHHHH. According to the Dr., Connor is a big boy.

Connor's Stats: (7 months and 9 days old)
Length: 28 3/4" (91st percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs (70th percentile)
Head Size: 18 1/2 (97th percentile)

Waiting For The Dr.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fresh Air.

Hey, Ladies...

...Wanna Go For A Ride...

...Let's Get This Stroller Moving...

...Start The Engine...

...See You Later, Have A Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mmmmm, Toast.

Last night after feeding Connor his last bottle for the evening I discovered that he now has a third tooth coming through on the bottom. He now has a grand total of THREE chompers on the bottom.

Over the weekend I gave Connor a piece of Zwieback Toast and he loved it. The dogs loved it too, after it got to mushy it became doggy treats.

What Is This?

What Does It Taste Like? Let Me Give It a Lick.


This Feels Great On My Teeth.

Why Did You Wait So Long To Let Me Have This?

I Love Toast!

Thanks, Mom.