Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's Back!!

Connor is feeling better. Yesterday he went to school and Cliff said that Connor was really excited to see Miss. George (one of his teachers). Last night when Connor got home he was REALLY exhausted and cranky. He has to get back into the school routine again. Aunt Andrea thinks that he may be teething...we are on the lookout for some pearly whites. I hope everyone is doing well and have a great day.

I'm Feeling Better.

I Don't Want To Get Sick Ever Again.

I Learned A New Trick...

Look What I Can Do!

Are You Impressed?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Connor Wants To Be Like His Big Cousin!

Well today we finally went to the doctors and we found out that Connor has an ear infection just like Olivia did. He too now has to take the "pink stuff". Atleast we know what is wrong with him as we head into the weekend. We also found out that he weighs 19.4 lbs and he is not even 6 months yet. If he wasn't sick I know he would be over the 20 lb mark. We are now heading down the road to recovery. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Guess, what? A week of school and Connor is already sick. Monday afternoon I got a call from the school that he had a fever. When I picked him up Monday he looked so sad and his cheeks were rosey red...all he would do is moan. Last night he still had a fever but this morning he seemed to feel a little better. Since he is sick he can't go to school, so he is staying with Gran. There is no treatment like treatment from a Gran. We are very lucky that she is able to take care of him while he is sick as it helps Cliff and I from using all of our sick time in one shot. As we know, and as everyone keeps telling us that it won't be the last time he get sick. We knew he was going to get sick sooner or later, we are learning the good and bad parts of starting school. I will try to post again soon but if you don't hear from me you know why. I am trying not to get his cold but I think it is too late. We are all resting and doing the best we can.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Be Mine!

I hope that you all had a Happy Valentine's Day, we had a wonderful day. At school Connor made me my very first Valentine. If you look close at the picture you will get a better look at the shirt he was wearing the day the picture was taken...uh, ohhh.

We had an eventful weekend, we all got to go out to lunch with Gran and Grandad. Connor was soooo excited to see them both. He was a good boy at lunch and he showed Gran and Grandad his new "rubber" arms. He has begun to reach and grab for everything.

This weekend Connor had some fruit for the first time. He had pears and he loved every bite. So far, he really enjoys all of his food and he is starting to go "mmm" as he eats.

Have a Happy Monday!
Be Mine!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Arts and Crafts

This week at Connor's school the theme is zoo week. Everything they are learning about this week relates to the zoo. Yesterday Connor brought home his first piece of artwork. They got to use animal stampers to make animal prints.

I have learned that I have to send Connor to school with more vegetables. Yesterday when he finished his squash, he was upset because there was no more left for him to eat. Today I sent him with more food...he is a growing little boy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gold Star For Tummy Time

Apparently Connor is now quite fond of tummy time while at school. This past weekend we were working on tummy time at home and he really did not care for it. When the teacher told me that Connor spent 30 minutes on his tummy, I found it very hard to believe. I thought to myself are sure that was our child, you must have gotten him mixed up with another baby.

Yesterday Connor got to go for a buggy ride while at school. His teacher said that he loved the ride while they were moving but once they stopped he got rather upset.

This Is The "Old Connor"
Tummy Time At Home

This weekend I will have to see how much he has improved with his tummy time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

He Is A Genius!!

Our little boy is advanced...look what he made at school!! He is a genius with finger paints.

Connor's Self Portrait

Okay, so maybe he didn't make a self portrait with finger paints but he did have a GREAT first day of school. Each day when he gets picked up I get a sheet that tells me what he did for the day. The sheet is broken down into several areas Language Arts, Cognitive Development, Creative Art, Music/Movement, Motor Skills, Self-Help/Life Skills, and Sensory Stimulation.

Yesterday Connor got to explore the texture of shaving cream (creative arts)...Cliff thought that was no big deal since he gets to explore the texture of shaving cream every morning. I on the other hand thought it was really neat (not too sure how they keep the babies from eating it). Connor also had the chance to feel the texture of tape (sensory stimulation). I wish I could have seen the look on Connor's face during this time. I am guessing that he had his signature serious look on his face.

Last night Connor was talkative and a happy baby. He was also very tired as he only had two naps yesterday that totaled 50 minutes. I am glad that his first day went well...we ALL survived.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Off To School

Today is Connor's first day of school. This morning Cliff and I brought Connor to school. Connor was a little confused because there was a lot of action going on this morning in his classroom. Connor got to meet his teachers and a few of his classmates. There was another little boy there that was older than Connor, his name was Mikey (he was not a happy camper, when we saw him). His teacher said that Mikey will now have someone to play with since all of the other babies are younger.

Apparently Connor will be coming home from school with HOMEWORK...yes, already! One of his teachers said that Connor will get to finger paint too. Boy oh boy, sounds like a lot of fun. I know that he is going to come home tired as it is a new day full of LOTS of new things.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Flies

Guess what? Connor is going to SCHOOL on Monday. This week we got a call that Connor was able to get into his school. We have had him on the waiting list and someone else cancelled. In Connor's room there will be a total of 8 babies and 3 teachers.

As you know Connor's Gran has been taking care of him for us while we go to work. When Connor goes to stay with Gran for the day we were saying that he too was going to work. This week I was talking with the ladies at my work and I told them that Connor was going to school and the first response was "Did Connor get fired from work?".

Going to school will be an adjustment for all of us but I feel as though it will be good for him. He is going to love it.

Did You Hear?

I'm Going To School!?!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Football Weekend

What Do You Mean Texas Tech Is Not In The Super Bowl?

Are You Serious?

No For Real, They Really Are Playing, Right?

Mom, You're Silly.