Thursday, October 30, 2008

Company's Comin'

On The Watch

Are They Here Yet?!?!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Connor's New Pets

Guess What?

I Have Two New DOGS!!

Look They're On My Feet....hehehe.
My Dogs Are BARKING!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Connor's Report Card (2 Month Dr.'s Appointment)

Yesterday, Connor had his 2 month doctors visit and he received a good report. During this trip he had to get some shots...THREE to be exact and one oral dose. All in all he did pretty well, the nurse was really quick. He cried a silent cry for a little while and then he let it ALL OUT. Boy does that make you feel bad to watch. After the shots he had a bottle and then I think he forgot all about it. When we got home Connor was exhausted and he took a nice nap.

Connor's Report Card: (8 weeks old)
Length - 24 inches (88th percentile)
Weight - 12.4 lbs (72nd percentile)
Head Size - 16 1/8 (69th percentile)
NOTE: Since Connor's last visit at 2 weeks old he has gained 4.2 lbs and grew 3 inches.

Nap After the Dr. Visit

Later in the evening I was able to get some pictures of his war wounds. Connor has three blue camouflage band-aids on his thighs.

Did You Hear What They Did To ME?

I Tried to Distract The Nurse By Showing Her My Muscles...

Then I Showed Her My Rocky Like Moves...

It Didn't Work And I Got The Shots Anyways.
But Now I Am Over It And I'm Happy...

Did I Mention That I'm Happy?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There's A Baby Here??

Both of our dogs have adjusted very well to having Connor at home. Bailey loves to check on Connor and Daisy loves to visit him while he is in his swing. Daisy has a tendency to get really close to Connor while he is swinging, so close that she stops the swing. I knew that our dogs would adjust well but I never thought that they would both be so good this quick.
Bailey and Daisy Taking a Break

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Guess Who's...

...8 weeks today? Did you guess right? Of course you did. Yesterday, Connor watched the Texans game with his Dad and they won...Go TEXANS. As I have said before Connor has found his smile and it is wonderful. Every time he smiles he makes us melt.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yesterday we celebrated Grandma and Grandpa Carr's 66th wedding anniversary. Connor got to meet his Great Grandparents. Connor was a good boy and he let everyone hold him. Everyone was happy to see Connor (I think they were happy to see Cliff and I too).

Grandpa and Grandma Carr
Gran and Cliff
(we all know that the baby in the picture is Connor)

66 years!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lunch with Gran

This afternoon we had lunch with Gran and Aunt Janet. Connor was a good little boy at lunch. When we got home he was in such a good mood while still in his carseat. He was smiling up a storm and I was able to capture a few shots.

Bouncing with His NEW Buddy

Yesterday Connor was bouncing with his new buddy. Connor received a new pacifier from his friend Piper. He loves it! It is really cute, the little red dog is attached to the pacifier and it helps to keep it in Connor's mouth.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hanging Out with Bailey Before Bed

Swinging In His Swing...with a little smile.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Connor, Have You Seen Daddy's Hat??

Today Connor is 7 weeks old. He is still sleeping well through the night, last night he slept from 10:30pm - 6:30am. We are definitely getting on a routine. Soon Nana, Papa, Aunt Andrea and Cousin Olivia will be here to visit. We are so excitied to see them. Connor can't wait to meet Olivia, he says that she is going to teach him a lot.

What Hat?

This Is My Hat, Grandpa Got It For Me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hanging with Dad


In the evenings Connor likes to be held and he especially likes it when you walk around. Last night I remembered that one of my old co-workers gave me a carrier that she never used with her son. Cliff and I tried it out last night and Connor really liked it. Connor likes to be facing outwards so that he can see what is going on. If I face him the other way he gets very angry. Connor really liked hanging out with Dad since he can see things at a much higher level.

Look Up There.

Do You See It?

Hey, Get your Own.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Connor went to the Gym Today?!?...

...Baby Einstein gym that is. Today Connor tried out his Baby Einstein gym, he seemed to like it pretty well. He checked out all of the toys that dangle from the gym, he had a great baby workout.

One and Two, One and Two...

Lift those Arms

Hold that Pose

This is Tough, I'm Going to Need a Nap