Sunday, August 31, 2008

Proof That He Has Hair...Close Up Pictures of Connor

8-27-08 Home coming day

8-30-08 Napping in the Pack n Play

8-30-08 Napping with Dad

Friday, August 29, 2008

Check out Connor

Ah, ignorance is bliss. I'm guessing by Connor's cool and confident expression he has no idea that just a few hours before he was crying, screaming and butt-naked in a delivery room full of ladies. If that's not enough he was also cold and wet so let's just say he may have been experiencing a little shrinkage (see: Costanza, George from Seinfeld).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NOW at a crib near you...

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the newest member of the Owens clan. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 1 and a half ounces, with a length of 20 and a quarter inches. Hailing from the Bayou City, Houston, TX by way of the Womens Hospital of Texas. Number 13 in your game program, number 1 in your hearts, Connor Paul Owens!!!!!!

On Monday, August 25th at 11:45 am CST we welcomed our new little guy to the world. Understandably cold and--compared to the other folks in the delivery room--quite underdressed, Connor's first impression of his mother must have been "why's she in so much pain," and of his old man, "who invited the Japanese tourist who won't stop taking pictures?"

It's somewhat surreal that after 9 months of tireless preparation for this little guy I was still kind of shocked to see him pop out. I mean, I knew he was coming and had envisioned that day in my mind dozens of times but I guess until you've been in that delivery room it's simply impossible to wrap your mind around what's about to happen.

While watching Connor arrive was amazing the most astounding aspect of the entire experience was Shauna. I could not be prouder of her. At one point during the delivery, roughly 7 hours after her water broke and 3 hours after she had begun her push cycles, I realized I had been standing for nearly 10 straight hours and my back hurt. My back hurt?!!!

I guess after seeing Shauna endure nearly a dozen hours of trauma without so much as a tear or even a grimace of pain I kind of lost my focus. I mean, I did my absolute best to help her every single step of the way and be as tough and provide as much support as possible but I was completely overwhelmed how tough Connor's mom was and is. She even managed to smile at Connor and give me a kiss (score!) immediately afterward.

Connor Paul and I are two VERY lucky dudes to have a lady like Shauna/mom in our lives. As soon as he has the requisite motor skills we'll high-five to her.

P.S. I understand Aunt Rita and Aunt Kathy, respectively, guessed Connor's birthdate correctly on Andrea's blog. Great guessing/estimation on both of your parts. Now, which one of you can let me know when he's going to stop crying and waking up for food in the middle of the night? Any one? Bueller? Bueller?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Let's Get Caught Up

We are in the home stretch, he could come any day now. My bags are packed and we are as ready as we can be. The nursery is ready, Cliff has been busy assembling all of our gifts. All of the baby's clothes are washed and ready to wear.

Cliff writes:

As you look at the pictures you can get an idea of the growth of our child over the past few months. Beginning with the first picture of Shauna at the 28 week mark--where our son was little more than an emerging, minor nuisance whose pokes were akin to indigestion--to the photo below of Shauna at her current 38 weeks--where she's convinced she now has a full grown NFL placekicker practicing field goals in her uterus.

P.S. Please realize Shauna's smile on each of these photos may not be 100% genuine. Case in point, we went through 8 takes of her most recent photo before I could finally get her to stop shooting the finger at the camera. Carrying a child for 9 months can wear on you, I suppose.

Hopefully I will talk to you all in a few days as a brand new daddy. Have a great week.

36 weeks

37 weeks

38 weeks

Friday, August 8, 2008

Extra, Extra WATCH All About it!!!

Let me start out by saying that the ultrasounds they perform are AMAZING!!! Take a look at a short video of our little guy at 37 weeks today. He is measuring right on schedule. As of today they estimate that he weighs 6 pounds 11 ounces. He is going to keep packing on the pounds until he is ready to make his arrival. Watch the video carefully as you will be able to see the dimple on his cheek.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Howdy ya'll! It has been a while so you'll have to give me a moment, or two, to reacclimate myself with the keyboard. Shauna's doing and feeling well and as of today, August 1st, we're staring the birth of our son in the face.

Quick note: I know all of you guys have been keeping up with Andrea and Will's blog but I still had to add my own comment. How ridiculously cute is little Olivia?!! Thank God we're having a son because I know sharing his home with such a little heartthrob will definitely keep my man William Brooks up at night...good luck, buddy.

Shauna's mom has come and gone and, as a result, we're now finished with the nursery ( by the way, if you're a betting man--or woman--I might put a few bucks on Connor Paul as the name). I actually find myself experiencing a little bit of unborn-infant-envy...this little dude's closet is twice as filled as mine!!!!! Which means his closet is still only a fraction of his mother's but that's a topic for another day.

Anyhow, this dude is set in the clothing department. Thanks to the generosity of all of you I won't have to buy my son any clothing until he's about 9 or 10 years old and "thinks" he needs a razor, shaving cream and a jock strap. If he's anything like his daddy--and the smart money says he will be--he'll be closer to 30 than 13 the first time he wears out a razor...puberty's a b*%ch, CP.

Now that we're well into the last trimester it seems as if everyone with a stake in my beauty's pregnancy seems to have a target date.

Which reminds me, I'm in the wrong business. A few weeks back Shauna's doctor had the amazingly astute insight to inform her that her due date might be earlier because it appeared that "the baby is larger than expected". Really, doc?!! 8+ years of medical school combined with more than a decade of practicing your particular area of expertise and all you can come up with is that our baby is "larger than average"?!! I'm 6-foot, 8-inches tall and well north of 240 pounds so it would appear--in my less-than-expert-opinion--that you're not exactly predicting the 2nd coming of Christ.

What else do you have for me, doc? The 17 year old kid sitting next to me in the waiting room wearing the eyeliner and Marilyn Manson concert t-shirt might not be in it for the long haul with his "baby mamma"? Yao Ming might know his way around a pair of chopsticks? Bill Clinton might not have been completely forthright when he uttered the famous words "I have not had sexual relations with that girl".

My son will be big. Write it down. He also will not be a good dancer or listner and will frustrate the bejesus out of his mother with his penchant for finding his way into economy-size trouble while only being out of her sight for a few moments. What can I say? The nut usually doesn't fall too far from the tree...or grandtree.

Anyhow, we're getting very excited and other than the defensive drivin-er-birthing education class Shauna and I are scheduled to attend tomorrow, everything's going well. Which brings me to another point of contention. Why is it that on that fateful day when the pride and joy of our eyes decides to welcome himself into the world that the highly-educated and trained staff of your run-of-the-mill birthing room aren't enough? 5-6 highly educated and trained personnel aren't enough to make the birth go smoothly? Decades upon decades of preparation--not to mention hundreds of thousands of dollars in total student debt--aren't enough to make the birth go smoothly?

In addition to our insurance we also need to drop a plethora of dollars on a class that teaches both Shauna and me to breath?!!! Our ability to puff-puff-inhale is going to decide whether or not our son enters the world as a healthy baby?

If you're going into brain surgery do they require you first take a class on how to think less strenuously? If you're scheduled for a vasectomy do they require you first prove your ability to walk past an adult magazine rack without taking a second glance? This whole thing seems like: a) an exercise in racketeering, and b) quite possibly the least efficient use of a Saturday.

Thanks again for all of your comments and, more importantly, thank you all for your generous gifts for Shauna's baby shower. As the saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child. So we'll soon be sending out signup forms for you all to secure your day/weekend/month of child-raising for our son. Just kidding. Or am I?????

Have a great weekend and I promise it won't be nearly as long until we speak again.